A flyer is a type of promotional material that's printed on a sheet of paper — i.e. a print ad. Like a poster, flyers are used to to inform potential customers about products, services and updates from a brand, business or organization.A well thought out, well-designed flyer should be: Eye-catching — enough to make people stop and take an interest in reading it. Targeted — the flyer needs to speak directly to the audience you're targeting. Informative —people should know what the flyer is advertising and where they can find out more.
1) A Clear, Concise Goal or Purpose.
2) A Popping Headline.
3) Content: An Overall Motivating Message.
4) Graphics or Pictures.
5) Your Contact Information or Location.
A Flyer is usually a single, unfolded printed sheet that is used to draw attention to an event, service, product or idea. A flyer usually contains a very simple message that can be conveyed quickly.Posters tend to be fairly large and professionally printed and almost always feature an illustration. Flyers (also known as mini-posters) are usually 8 ½” x 11” and are typically photocopied or e-mailed. Flyers often rely more heavily on text, as opposed to graphics to get their point across.